Thursday, September 16, 2010

SWITCHFOOT in Costa Rica!!!

Yes, I did indeed see Switchfoot in Costa Rica and in a parking garage no less.  The venue, Torre Gekko, was the 5th floor of a parking garage.  Sounds crazy, but it totally worked!  So, what is different you ask about seeing a concert in Costa Rica?

1)  THERE IS NO LINE FOR THE BATHROOM!  Yes, ladies, walk right in!  In fact, one time, I was in the bathroom ALL BY MYSELF!  Crazy!

2)  They sell churros at the concession stand.

3)  You can buy a band t-shirt for $14, which I did!

4)  Ticos know every word to every song in ENGLISH.

5)  The English-speaking band tries to say something in Spanish, not always convincingly.

What's the same?  It's so much fun!!!  Check out Switchfoot pics (and other pics) on my Facebook page.

1 comment:

Eileen said...