Friday, March 30, 2012

March Madness in Costa Rica!

Okay, so it isn't basketball.  It isn't even a sport.  But my life has felt like "March Madness" here in Costa Rica the last six weeks or so!  It has been chalk full of all the excitement and uncertainty of what will happen, starting with one winning team (or in my case, idea) in mind only to have a huge "upset" before the final round, and stories of faith and taking home the "title" against all odds!  Okay, enough with the sports analogy...we all know I am not the biggest sports fan! But I hope I have your attention :)

Here are some "sports" analogies I can track with (pun intended):

If you have raced with men on foot 
   and they have worn you out,
   how can you compete with horses?
If you stumble in safe country,
   how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?

-Jeremiah 12:5

I have loved this verse since the first time I read it, and I actually memorized it in Spanish during my language training.  It had such significance for me as I was struggling to learn Spanish.  And now as I am transitioning into a new season of life and ministry, I am reminded of how good God is and how He protects us in trials and never gives us more than we can handle. 

But that matters little. What matters most to me is to finish what God started [the race-NIV]: the job the Master Jesus gave me of letting everyone I meet know all about this incredibly extravagant generosity of God.  -Acts 20:24 (Message)

The NIV says "my only aim is to finish the race" but I love this Message version.  God started this work here--He brought me here and what matters most is that I finish the work He has prepared for me to do here--to finish the race in Costa Rica.  And I love that I get to "work" telling everyone I meet about the incredibly extravagant generosity of God.  And the rest just doesn't matter as much.  The hard parts, the loneliness, the feelings of failure, the safety concerns, the bad Spanish days.  They all pale in comparison. This month has reinforced this for me.

And finally:

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.  -Hebrews 12:1-3

I could reflect on this passage forever--it is so full of truth and encouragement!  But for this month, I have been thinking about how as much as we struggle, no matter how much pain we go through, it will never equal the cross.  Nothing ever will.  And for the JOY set before Him, Jesus endured the pain, and the insults, and the humiliation.  What humility!  What love!  And what a prize we have waiting for us if we do not grow weary or lose heart.  Not just in Heaven, but here on earth, too.  There is so much FULL, ABUNDANT, ADVENTUROUS life for us to live and to share with others!  

And that is why I am more than JOYFUL to announce that after my own version of March madness,  I believe that God is leading me to stay in Costa Rica--that my adventure, this little stretch of the race--isn't over yet!  

More details to come in future posts about what exactly I will be doing, but here are some highlights from what I've been doing the past six weeks or so:

  • A two-day solitary beach retreat at the end of February.  I was able to spend two days at the beach resting, praying, and seeking God and His will for continuing my time in Costa Rica.  I heard Him say to me over and over again:  Just seek me.  Just seek me.  Just seek me.  And that is what I have done for the last six weeks!
  • Saying goodbye to Young Life and Wyldlife kids and leaders.  This was the hardest part of the last six weeks.  Two goodbye parties and two last clubs filled with tears and wondering what in the world God is doing!  Though it wasn’t in my plan when I moved down here to only spend 1.5 years with these kids, God knew!  And I am trusting Him with the timing of everything.  It was great to have parents, other leaders/staff, and kids share with me how much my friendship has meant to them over the past year and a half and how much they will miss me.  I am looking forward to continuing many of these friendships as I continue my journey in Costa Rica!
  • Important conversations with trusted mentors who know me well.  I have continued my one-on-one discipleship through the program Sonship (going on one year), as well as talking with other trusted mentors and friends about continuing to (1) work in ministry and (2) do that work in Costa Rica.  These friends/mentors have given me Godly wisdom, as well as helping me process life during this transition. 
  • Visiting the various programs run by FundaVida, Christ for the City/New Horizons, and LightForce International and Freedom Street Ministries.   I’ve been all over the city each week taking time to talk with the leaders and staff of each ministry, learn more about their core values and work, and volunteer to get a feel for what it is like working with them.