A few weeks ago I had the privilege of helping out with the Vidas Jovenes' (Young Lives, an outreach to pregnant and parenting teen moms) Christmas party! I love that Christmas parties in Costa Rica are called "fiestas de alegria" = parties of happiness! What happiness this season brings! Below are some pictures from that event. These are all teenage moms with 1 or more kids (or one on the way) and most are living in poverty. They are not much unlike Mary that very first Christmas--underprepared, overwhelmed, scared, often feeling very alone, and worried about the future for them and their babies. The Young Lives' staff, volunteers, and older women mentors come alongside to walk with these young women offering practical help and other-worldly hope!
May you and yours experience the HOPE and JOY of Christmas this year. May it overwhelm your hearts and fill you to overflowing. May you rest tonite in the wonderful news that we don't have a God who is far away, but one called Immanuel (God came near) who longs to know us and be known.
P.S. For a copy of my Christmas newsletter, email me at ali.c.campbell@gmail.com!
These two twin girls stole my heart right from the start. They and their mom were there early and I was immediately taken in by them. Aren't they precious! People from all over have donated pack 'n' plays for the littlest ones to rest in during clubs.
A clown came to paint all the kids faces! She was a huge hit!
This is me and Genesis after she got her face painted--
she's such a ham and loved getting her picture taken!
This is Samara and Jonathan, two of the four Suwyn kids. The Suwyns (Kevin and Michelle and their four kids) have lived in Costa Rica for almost 12 years. Kevin is the Regional Director for Central America and Michelle started Vidas Jovenes a little over a year ago. All four of their children were born in Costa Rica! Samara was very sick and they spent a year at Los Angeles Children's Hospital with her when she was a baby--but miraculously she is doing great now and such a joy to be around.
Jonathan came around as a surprise and right when Michelle wanted to start Vidas Jovenes--with her social work background and heart for teen moms--it had been a dream of hers for a long time. While obviously excited about the new addition to the family, Michelle was a bit discouraged thinking this would just prolong the launch of this ministry. However, Jonathan has turned out to be one of the ministry's greatest assets as he steals the heart of each girl he meets with his bright blonde hair and blue eyes, and Michelle can share "in real time" the struggles and joys of motherhood alongside the girls. Reminding me once again that God's timing is always perfect, and almost always not our own!