Would you please continue to pray for me and for her and for all of the other Young Life staff fundraising right now? This is an integral part of the ministry and I feel so blessed to be seeing God at work in preparing the hearts and pocketbooks of those who feel called to help kids around the world hear the Good News that they have a Creator who loves them and has a big plan for their lives.
Thanks once again for all of your support! I so appreciate it! Want to help me get even closer to my goal?
-Consider making your one-time gift an annual gift! If everyone who has made a one-time gift can make an annual pledge in the same amount, I could go from 54% to 65%!
-Consider hosting a get-together with some of your friends, relatives, co-workers and introduce them to me and Young Life in Costa Rica. All you have to do is invite people--I take care of the rest!
-Consider talking to your Pastor or missions committee to see if they might be interested in supporting me and Young Life in Costa Rica. I have lots of materials I can give you to help them become more familiar with the ministry and my financial needs.
Be assured that your gifts, prayers, etc. are having an impact on kids in Costa Rica!