(1) I finally booked my flight for my Young Life staff training in January. I will be in January for three weeks doing two different types of training: 1-Cross Cultural Orientation (CCO)...this is when we learn how hard it is going to be to live in another culture for three years and how to deal with it :) and, 2-New Staff Training...this is for all new Young Life staff and helps us learn how to do our jobs! I have already been in contact with some new friends who will be going to training and I can't wait to meet them and learn more about how to effectively be a Young Life staff person!
(2) I spoke with Jamie, the Field Development Director for International Young Life, otherwise knows as "my fundraising guy," on Thursday and he told me that after conversations with some Costa Rica YL peeps they have reduced my budget by $2,500 annually! This may not sound like a lot, but it is HUGE to me! I'm so excited! This moves me from 56% of my budget raised to 61%!! (See the thermometer to the right going up, up, up....) Jamie tells me the time from 50%-75% are the hardest days, weeks, months and once I hit 75% it's all downhill from there. I CAN'T WAIT!
Thanks so much for all of you who are out there praying for me, praying for Young Life in Costa Rica, and praying for kids. And thanks to those who are giving sacrificially to impact kids. I appreciate you more than you know!!